On the road – join us at our upcoming February and March events
It’s that time of the year again! We’re back on the road and will be exhibiting and speaking at several events over the next few months. Read on to find out where we’ll be!
Nursery World Show (London, 3-4 February)
We’re excited to be back at the largest, most-established show in the early years and childcare sector. We’re exhibiting at the event and also taking our student conferences on the road by delivering a session in the Live Theatre on ‘What does it mean to be a professional?’
Aimed at students, their tutors and early years practitioners at the start of their career, this session will cover what it means to be a professional in the early years sector, including how we can best serve families and communities. We’ll look at a range of competencies including maths and SEND, as well as key responsibilities and transferable skills.
National Exams Officer Conference (London, 9 February)
With content tailored specifically to meet the needs of exams officers, this conference will support attendees to prepare for the summer exam series and beyond. We’ll be exhibiting and you can speak to our team about anything relating to exams and assessment, timetabling, post-results services and delivery support.
Apprenticeships Conference (Birmingham, 28 February)
We’re sponsoring the upcoming Apprenticeships Conference, which is focusing on working together to create a sustainable apprenticeship system which unlocks talent and supports businesses and the economy.
Suzanne Slater, Operations Director – Apprenticeships at NCFE, will be speaking at the conference on ‘Neurodiversity and SEND: Shaping smarter solutions to support apprentices’. She’ll cover how we can better support individuals with SEND to find and retain employment by exploring the potential barriers they face and what help is available for getting them into apprenticeships.
AoC English and Maths Conference (London, 28 February)
Returning to an in-person event, the AoC English and Maths Conference 2023 is a must for all leaders in English and maths in the FE sector.
David Redden, NCFE’s Product Manager for English and Maths, will be delivering a plenary presentation focused on how assessment innovation can support the delivery of these subjects. David will share current English and maths innovations that are undergoing research projects, what this could mean for the future of delivery and assessment, and how you can get involved.
AELP Spring Conference (Birmingham, 1 March)
As headline sponsors of AELP’s Spring Conference, we’re excited to join other practitioners in the skills sector for this highly anticipated event. We’re bringing you two workshops during the conference, which are each delivered twice throughout the day.
Our Learning for Work team will be looking at social inclusion in their workshop. They’ll consider the challenges to social inclusion and how these relate to progression of skills and learning at Level 2 and below. They’ll also explore ways to support individuals to fulfil their potential in the workplace and personal lives – a future benefitting the individual, society, and wider economy.
In the other workshop, our Policy team will be focused on the apprenticeship level reform. They'll examine the recent history of apprenticeship reforms, what the intended (and unintended) consequences of the levy were, and what the future could hold for a reformed levy. Throughout the session, they’ll be encouraging attendees to share their experiences of apprenticeships and to join in with the discussion on the risks and opportunities of a reformed levy.
AoC Exams Conference (online, 1-2 March)
This event will virtually bring together exams professionals to share and discuss the key challenges facing the FE sector. We’ll be hosting a surgery-style drop-in session where you can speak to our team about anything relating to exams and assessment, timetabling, post-results services and delivery support.
National Playwork Conference and Awards (Eastbourne, 7-8 March)
Providing an opportunity for networking and sharing best practice, this event is aimed at all professionals in the playwork sector. We’re sponsoring the Professional Development Award at the awards ceremony, and will also be attending the conference to tell you more about our new playwork qualifications.
Annual Apprenticeship Conference (Birmingham, 13-14 March)
As registration sponsors of the AAC, we’re excited to be a part of this leading conference for all those involved in the delivery of apprenticeships. Visit our stand to find out more about how we can support your apprenticeship delivery from start to finish. If you’re quick, you’ll also have the chance to grab one of our #GatewayGator teddies – we know our range of teddies has been missed at recent events!
Our EPA team will be delivering a workshop on achieving timely apprenticeship achievement. More details coming soon.
Westminster Education Forum: Next steps for SEND system reform in England (online, 27 March)
This conference will examine the future of SEND provision in England and our Sector Manager for Education and Childcare, Janet King, will be speaking at this event.
Westminster Insight: T Levels – Next Steps Conference (London, 27 March)
This event will provide practical guidance to help schools, colleges, and employers to successfully transition to the new T Levels. David Rowley, NCFE’s Product Manager for 16-19, will be speaking at the event on the T Level transition offer.
Bett Show (London, 29-31 March)
Bett is back at ExCeL London for three days of inspiring connections, content and product discovery, bringing together brilliant educators from across the globe. Jessica Blakey, Head of Assessment Innovation at NCFE, will be joining a panel discussion brought to you by the e-Assessment Association, entitled 'What can we learn about best practice in formative and summative assessment from other education sectors?'.
Want us to join you at your next event?
If you’d like to invite NCFE to speak at your upcoming event, take a look at our Media Centre for a list of our key spokespeople. Please get in contact with Danielle McCullough, Communications and Events Officer, at [email protected] to arrange any potential events opportunities.
If you’d like to invite NCFE to speak at your upcoming event, take a look at our Media Centre for a list of our key spokespeople.