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July 2024 Updates: 

Last updated: 11/07/2024

Evidence and paperwork queries

We’re still working through a number of urgent queries regarding assessment evidence and paperwork. Please ensure you check your emails regularly and respond to our questions as soon as you can, so we can resolve any issues and your students can receive their results this summer in a timely manner. Unresolved queries will impact timely release of results for students this summer.


New Key Dates Schedule now available

Our new Key Dates Schedule for 2024-25 and 2025-26 is now available, to help with your forward planning. The revised schedule takes into consideration your feedback that we gathered throughout the consultation process.


Looking ahead to results

Results will be released to providers on Wednesday 14 August in preparation for students receiving these on Thursday 15 August, and we’re here to support you every step of the way. Read more about T Level results

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