Assessment and results queries
Here you can find documents, guidance and enquiry forms for assessment results for NCFE qualifications.
Enquiries about results and assessment decisions form
Our Enquiries about results and assessment decisions page provides guidance for centres on completing the process for NCFE qualifications.
Incorrect grade submission notification form
Complete the Incorrect grade submission notification form if you have claimed for your learners’ grades incorrectly.
Access to scripts service
The Access to scripts service (ATS) service allows centres to request a scanned copy of marked external assessment papers including marks awarded for each answer.
For T Level qualifications where evidence is digital – access to the evidence, along with a separate breakdown of marks for each task will be shared. Marks will not be visible on the actual evidence where a submission was made digitally.

Enquiries about results and assessment decisions form

Incorrect grade submission notification form

Access to scripts

Late grade submission notification form