Important reminder: The 2024-25 V Cert Non-Examined Assessment (NEA) brief for our Level 1/2 Technical Award qualifications will be released on 1 October 2024. Find out more.
How to prepare for quality assurance reviews
This section provides you with the information you need to prepare for a quality assurance review. Use the Quick links section to access additional information.
Types of quality assurance reviews
- Approval
- Annual monitoring review (AMR)
- External quality assurance
- Moderation
To ensure you’re fully prepared, assign the following roles in your centre. Explore the requirements of each role below:
We’ll send information to your dedicated Programme Contact, who’ll be responsible for:
- Agreeing a date for the review with the Quality Reviewer. We recommend a date is agreed early to ensure we can accommodate the date you require. Please note this is not required for remote moderation.
- Coordinating the review with all staff involved in the delivery of the qualification(s) to include any satellite or sub-contract centres.
- Ensuring at least one Assessor and one Internal Quality Assurer (IQA) is in place for each qualification.
- Ensuring staff attend mandatory training, where applicable.
- Collating information and evidence required to support the review.
- Reading and disseminating quality assurance reports. Reports can also be accessed via the Portal.
- Ensuring actions within quality reports are completed within specified timescales.
- Ensuring inactive learners are withdrawn in a timely manner. Failure to withdraw learners will result in actions within quality reports.
- Ensuring learner marks are submitted within specified timescales, where applicable. Our Portal User Guides explain how to do this.
- Providing feedback following quality assurance reviews through our continuous improvement surveys. The Programme Contact should liaise with relevant colleagues to collect feedback.
- Exploring our website and sharing information and updates with colleagues.
- Communicating with us ahead of the review.
- Sending information to support the review within specified timescales.
You can view your Programme Contact in the Portal. If this information has changed, let us know by completing the Change centre contact details details form. It’s important you keep us up to date with any changes, so we have the correct details.
You must assign an Internal Quality Assurer (IQA), who’ll be responsible for:
- Maintaining their CPD to ensure they have a qualification and/or recent occupational experience in the subject area they are quality assuring. Further details of occupational competence requirements can be found in the relevant qualification specification
- Maintaining their CPD to ensure that they have an internal quality assurance qualification. Where no internal quality assurance qualifications are held, centres must provide adequate staff development to ensure IQAs are working to national standards (e.g. attendance at our IQA training events).
- Sampling assessments to ensure they’re carried out to the same standard by all Assessor(s)
- Ensuring Assessor(s) are trained and hold appropriate qualifications
- Identifying training needs and providing training as appropriate
- Completing and authorising certificate claim forms via the Portal.
Where an IQA is also an Assessor of the qualification, their assessment decisions must be internally quality assured by a different IQA.
The IQA can be the same person as the Programme Contact.
You must assign an Assessor, who’ll be responsible for:
- Maintaining their CPD to ensure they have a qualification and/or recent occupational experience in the subject area they are assessing. Further details of occupational competence requirements can be found in the relevant qualification specification.
- Ensuring that they are competent to assess. Where no assessor qualifications are held, centres must provide adequate staff development to ensure Assessors are working to national standards (e.g. attendance at our assessor training events).
- Carrying out assessments in accordance with the qualification’s criteria as detailed in the qualification specification
- Ensuring learners’ evidence is valid and meets the standards of the qualification.
- Ensuring learners have achieved all learning outcomes related to the unit/qualification being assessed.
- Providing support and feedback to learners throughout the assessment process.
If you are delivering qualifications requiring learners to complete a formal external assessment component under exam conditions, you must assign an Invigilator, who’ll be responsible for:
- Supervising the external assessment process
- Completing the Invigilator’s Register, accessible via the Portal
- Ensuring the assessment is administered according to our Regulations for the Conduct of External Assessment.
You must assign an Examination Officer, who’ll be responsible for:
- Processing learner registrations
- Requesting certificates for successful learners where the IQA has confirmed learners have fully completed the qualification
- Distributing certificates to learners
- Coordinating the external assessment process for qualifications, where applicable and:
- liaising with the Programme Contact to ensure external assessment papers are requested in advance of the proposed assessment date
- Ensuring a suitable location is available for the external assessment to take place
- Ensuring appropriate number of trained Invigilators are available and familiar with our Regulations for the Conduct of External Assessment.
Assessment regulations
If the qualifications you are offering have internal or external assessments, you must be familiar with the policies and procedures relating to them.
You must also read and understand all the policies and information related to external assessments on the qualification specific page on our qualification pages, where you’ll also find information on external assessment timetables, sample papers and chief examiner reports.
Additional information and support
Print Shop
Our online Print Shop allows you to order professionally-printed materials and resources across all NCFE qualifications, which will be delivered directly to you. We have a range of products available and are continuously adding more products to the catalogue.
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Frequently asked questions
View our FAQs section to find answers to your frequently asked questions.