Important reminder: The 2024-25 V Cert Non-Examined Assessment (NEA) brief for our Level 1/2 Technical Award qualifications will be released on 1 October 2024. Find out more.
EPA Special Consideration Request form
EPA Special Consideration Request Form guidance notes:
As detailed in our Reasonable Adjustment and Special Consideration Policy, a Special Consideration can be applied for apprentices who have temporarily experienced illness, injury, or some other event outside of their control either at the time of an EPA assessment or during the EPA period.
It is applied when the issue or event has had, or is likely to have, a material effect on an apprentices’ ability to commence an assessment, adhere to EPA conditions or demonstrate their normal level of attainment within an assessment.
Your special consideration request should include a clear rationale as to why you believe that an event has, or will have, an effect on the apprentice’s ability to perform an assessment and/or conduct any aspect of EPA in an appropriate/timely manner. You should also state what outcome you would like from a Special Consideration request.
If your request concerns an event that occurred during an actual assessment and may have had an effect on an apprentices’ ability to demonstrate their normal level of attainment within that assessment, then your request must be submitted within 5 working days of receiving the results for that assessment.
If your application does not include sufficient information or evidence, we will inform you in writing, and include a final deadline for the submission of any further information and evidence to support your application.
Please complete the form below.