Whether you require on-demand learning content, an assessment tool to identify learners' current levels in English and maths, or both - we've got you covered.
You're 60 seconds away from finding a solution that ensures efficiency, delivers value for money and prioritises learner outcomes.
Select from the dropdowns below to find an option for English and maths delivery - matched directly to your needs.
Tell us what you need, we'll do the rest.
Are you looking to deliver Functional Skills?
Are you looking for an initial assessment tool that measures your learners' current levels in English and maths?
What's more important to you, saving time or on-demand learning content?
Saving time
If you're looking to save time, FAST can support you in identifying your learners' starting point in English and maths in a single 30 minute assessment.
On-demand learning
The on-demand learning feature provided with our Skills Builder product works seamlessly alongside our Functional Skills programmes, so your learners can continue their progression anytime, anywhere!
Functional Skills
Our Functional Skills offer provides a range of flexible, on-demand assessment options with results in just six working days.
Are you looking for a tool that can provide initial assessment?
What's more important to you, saving time or on-demand learning content?
Saving time
If you’re looking to save time, our One Assessment tool can support you in identifying your learners' starting point in English and maths in a single 30-minute assessment.
On-demand learning
If you require on-demand learning content, our Ofsted and ESFA-compliant, initial assessment tool Skills Builder provides innovative video tutorials and learning resources, as well as detailed diagnostics on learner progression.
We offer a range of solutions to support learners with essential skills they need to succeed in both work and life.