Learner stories: "Skills and knowledge that will last a lifetime"
Abbigail Parkin is currently studying for an Education and Early Years T Level – a high-quality, work-focused alternative to A Levels for those aged 16-18. After completing her two-year course at Scarborough Sixth Form College she hopes to progress onto the University of Roehampton to study Therapeutic Psychology where she has been given an unconditional offer.
We caught up with her to see how the T Level is preparing her for higher education and beyond.
Why did you choose to study a T Level?
“The idea of the technical side and learning in placement, as well as gaining knowledge and skills from professionals, was a key point for me. I like how you can apply the knowledge taught in person into practice as well.
“I love how it provides opportunities after you’ve finished the course, as it provides many routes for getting into higher education, higher apprenticeships or going straight into work.”
What have been the highlights of the course so far?
“All the opportunities that have come with this course, and all the memories I have made. I like how I have gained a detailed depth of understanding and knowledge, as well being provided with work experience is fabulous.
“Due to this course, I have been given an unconditional offer at the University of Roehampton in London, which has been a big highlight. I've made friends for life as the course makes you really close with your peers as well as your teachers.”
What have your industry placements been like?
“At Jitterbugs, I learned how to manage children’s behaviour as we had a child with challenging behaviours. In my time in the baby room, I learnt how to make bottles of milk and how to provide good quality care for the babies.
“I got on well with the room leader and we would always communicate, and she gave me tips on how to work with children and would always support if I needed help. I also learnt a lot about policies and procedures, and gained experience with being able to handle medical situations, such as diabetes.
“At my current nursery, Kinder Place, I have learnt how to handle first aid situations, where I have had to stop a baby from choking and help another child with a nosebleed.”
I would recommend T Levels to others as you gain a lot of opportunities, and if you want to have an opportunity to work in a placement, you'll gain that experience.
In what ways has the T Level prepared you for your next steps?
“The T Level has provided me with confidence, teamwork skills, presentation skills, and it has helped me with active listening skills, as well as communication skills. The knowledge and skills the course has provided me with are very useful for the future and to put into practice.
“I would recommend T Levels to others as you gain a lot of opportunities, and if you want to have an opportunity to work in a placement, you'll gain that experience.
“The course will provide you with a variation of skills and knowledge that will last a lifetime. You will also create great memories with your peers and teachers as you all get really close with each other.”
What are your future plans?
“I have accepted an unconditional offer from the University of Roehampton to study Therapeutic Psychology. Then I want to do a Postgraduate in Play Therapy at the University of Roehampton as well.
“Once I have graduated, I would like to work in the NHS as a play therapist and then eventually open my own private play therapy centre.”
You can learn more about T Levels and the range of qualifications that are available.
Learner profile
Name: Abbigail Parkin
Qualification: Education and Early Years T Level
Centre: Scarborough Sixth Form College

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