Notifying learners | NCFE

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Notifying learners

How to use this draft letter
  • Use your centre’s letterhead template and contact details
  • Amend date and learner name
  • List any NCFE (including CACHE) qualifications where the learner may not receive an overall qualification result on results day
  • Delete or amend paragraphs where appropriate, including options 1a or 2a if learners are UCAS applicants
  • Delete this section before issuing the letter to learners.




I’m writing to confirm that due to [INSERT REASON], you will not receive an overall qualification result in August 2023 for the following NCFE qualification(s). 


OPTION 1 Change to estimated completion date 

[SCHOOL/COLLEGE NAME] has amended your estimated completion date to <MONTH AND YEAR>, after which you should expect to receive your overall qualification result. 

OPTION 1a UCAS applicant 

I can see that you currently have a UCAS application which links to this qualification/these qualifications. As you will not be receiving your result(s) on results day in August, we strongly recommend that you contact the university/universities that you hold an offer with to check if your updated estimated completion date impacts on any offers you may hold.  

Please note that many universities hold places for offer-holders until the UCAS Advisory deadline of 6 September 2023, although deadlines across institutions and courses can vary. It’s important you contact your university/universities directly as soon as possible to understand any impact a delay to your estimated completion date has on your university offer. 

OPTION 2 withdrawn qualification 

You have been withdrawn from this/these qualification(s), which means that you are no longer registered or expected to complete your qualification in August 2023.  

OPTION 2a UCAS applicant 

I can see that you currently have a UCAS application which links to this/these qualification(s). As you will not be receiving your results(s) on results day in August, we strongly recommend that you contact the university/universities that you hold an offer with. 

Please note that many universities hold places for offer-holders until the UCAS Advisory deadline of 6 September 2023, although deadlines across institutions and courses can vary. It’s important you contact your university/universities directly as soon as possible to understand any impact of your qualification withdrawal. 

If you have any questions, please contact [INSERT CENTRE CONTACT DETAILS].  

Yours sincerely 


Download a Word version of the draft letter:

Notifying learners – NCFE draft letter