V Cert service messages

Please see below the latest service messages relevant to our Level 1/2 Technical Awards (V Certs).
Updated on [05/02/2025]
February 2025
Key dates and deadlines
Dates for your diary – release of draft NEA for 2025-26 and new clarification window
In response to your feedback, we’ve decided to change how we release the NEA for 2025-26.
We’ll release a watermarked draft of the document so that you have time to review this and get clarification on any queries you may have ahead of the final version being published. Please add the dates below to your diary:
- Tuesday 2 September – release of draft NEA (available on our website) and clarification window opens
- Tuesday 30 September – clarification window closes
- Tuesday 28 October – release of the final NEA and delivery to learners can begin.
More information will be shared soon.
Upcoming deadline for mandatory standardisation and administration training
Time is running out to complete your mandatory standardisation and administration training.
It’s important for you and your colleagues to be fully prepared to administer and assess the internal assessments for V Cert qualifications, so that your learners receive the best possible experience as well as accurate and timely results.
Our provider standardisation packs are available in the booking section of the Portal and will support you and your colleagues to mark the non-exam assessment (NEA) consistently and accurately.
Once administration and standardisation training is complete, you must complete the declaration form. This will be monitored via the Annual Monitoring Review (AMR) process.
The deadline for completing the training is 28 February 2025, apart from for Health and Fitness, where the deadline is 14 March 2025.For further information and helpful videos, visit our moderation webage.
Registration deadlines for V Certs have now passed
We want to remind you that the registration deadlines, and the chance to book onto assessments, for both summer 2025 and summer 2026 V Cert assessment series have now passed.
You can still make late registrations in the NCFE Portal, but you must do this immediately to ensure that a moderator can be assigned and associated activities organised, to avoid any delays to your learners’ assessment results.
Second term-time checkpoint opens 10 March
Thanks to everyone who completed your first term-time checkpoint. The window for the second term-time checkpoint will open on Monday 10 March 2025 and the deadline will be Friday 2 May 2025. Visit our timely delivery of VTQ results webpage for more information on the actions you need to take and where to find support.
Supporting your delivery
Register for our V Cert Assessor and IQA training
Our half day virtual training events are delivered online via Microsoft Teams and include event packs and resources which will support you to develop your knowledge and understanding of the V Cert Model 5 assessments.
This is a great opportunity to meet with assessors, internal quality assurance (IQA) professionals and other practitioners.
You can register below for some of our upcoming dates or visit our Assessor training events page and IQA events page on our website for further details.
Wednesday 26 March, 12:30 – 4:30pm
Planning the NEA for summer 2025 – key dates and support
As you plan and deliver the NEA to your learners ahead of the summer, remember to refer to our timeline resource to help guide you through the process.
Please take a moment to review our V Cert key dates and support document. It includes important dates for the summer 2025 assessment series, along with details of the activities required at each stage and guidance on where to find the support you need.
Reminder that there are no resits for Level 1/2 Technical Awards
As a reminder, a terminal rule applies to our new V Certs which means learners must complete both the external assessment, and the non-examined assessment in the series of certification.
This means for learners planning to certificate in summer 2025, they must complete both assessments in summer 2025. They cannot then resit either assessment in summer 2026, nor can they carry forward results already achieved in summer 2024.
You must ensure that your assessment bookings for summer 2025 reflect this, and that your colleagues and learners are all fully aware of this ahead of the next assessment series.
Access our FAQs
Remember that you can access our V Cert FAQs on our website.
V Cert late registration fees
We recently let you know that we’ll be introducing late registration fees for our V Cert qualifications in the academic year 2025-26. We’re introducing these fees to ensure we’re able to support learners at every stage of their journey and ensure we have the appropriate resources in place to support you during busy assessment periods. We wanted to let you know in advance to ensure you have plenty of time to prepare and make your exams teams aware of the changes. If you have any queries, please contact our Schools team at [email protected].
Notify us of any changes to key contacts
It’s important that we have the correct contact information for key colleagues within your centre, so please let us know if there have been any changes. The main contacts we’ll use to communicate important information are heads of centres, exams contacts and qualification programme contact. Please contact [email protected] to make any changes to the contact details we keep for your centre or update us via this change your contact details form.
January 2025
NEA support
- Take a look at our useful document which includes the key dates for the NEAs this academic year, along with details of the activities needed at specific times and where to find support.
VTQ timely delivery of results
- Following our communications towards the end of last year to confirm arrangements to ensure the timely delivery of vocational technical qualifications (VTQ) results for learners in 2024-25, we wanted to remind you that the first term-time checkpoint is now open. If you deliver any of the qualifications in scope of this year’s arrangements, your centre’s action is required to ensure this checkpoint is completed by Friday 31 January. Visit our timely delivery of VTQ results webpage for more information on the actions you need to take and where to find support.
Book your learners onto their assessments before 31 January
You must remember to book your learners on their external assessments and non-exam assessment before 31 January for summer 2025. You can do this via the NCFE Portal. You must do this by 31 January to ensure that a moderator can be assigned and associated activities organised, to avoid any delays to your learners’ assessment results.
V Cert late registration fees – coming 2025-26
We wanted to let you know that we’ll be introducing late registration fees for our V Cert qualifications in the academic year 2025-26. We’re introducing these fees to ensure we’re able to support learners at every stage of their journey and ensure we have the appropriate resources in place to support you during busy assessment periods. We wanted to let you know in advance to ensure you have plenty of time to prepare and make your exams teams aware of the changes. If you have any queries, please contact our Schools team at [email protected].
VTQ term-time checkpoint one now open
We wanted to remind you that the first term-time checkpoint is now open. If you deliver any of the qualifications in scope of this year’s arrangements, your centre’s action is required to ensure this checkpoint is completed by Friday 31 January. Visit our timely delivery of VTQ results webpage for more information on the actions you need to take and where to find support.
Planning the NEA for summer 2025 – key dates and support
We’ve developed a new resource which provides you with a central point of reference to help you plan your NEA, access all of the support you need and ensure your learner assessments and results are delivered accurately and timely.
Take a look at our handy V Cert NEA key dates and support document, which includes the key dates for the summer 2025 assessment series, along with details of the activities needed at specific times and where to find support.
Updates to our online FAQs
We’ve updated our V Cert FAQs to support with your most-asked queries. Access the FAQs.
Complete the standardisation and administration training
Our standardisation packs are now available on the Portal, and you must complete the relevant training by 28 February 2025. These training materials support your delivery teams by looking in more detail at the moderated components of the Occupational Specialism, focusing on assessment criteria and marking bands, giving you the opportunity to discuss marks and develop a standardised approach.
To access the standardisation training materials, once you’ve booked your learners onto the relevant assessment, you’ll need to:
- log onto the Portal
- go to the ‘Bookings’ tab and click ‘View Assessments’
- search for a batch number or product code to find learners on the relevant qualification/assignment you’d like to access training for
- select all learners
- scroll to the bottom and click ‘view bookings’
- click on the desired assessment booking on the relevant session.
Once administration training is complete, along with the standardisation activities, you must confirm this by completing the declaration form linked within the materials no later than 28 February 2025.
View our updated assessment support webpage
We’ve made updates to our assessment support webpage, with reminders of everything we have in place to support you and your learners throughout V Cert assessments.
View our updated moderation webpage
To support you to feel prepared for moderation, we’ve made updates to our moderation webpage. This will provide you with all the information you need about the moderation process, explain how sampling works, and how the final marks for each learner in the cohort are determined.
Summer 2025 assessment bookings
Please ensure to check that all learners expecting to sit an assessment in summer 2025 have been booked onto the correct assessment window in the Portal. If there’s been an error, you’ll need to cancel the learner from the incorrect booking and book them on to the correct assessment window via the Portal. If any learners have withdrawn from the qualification and will not be sitting a future assessment, please cancel their booking and registration.
Guidance on this can be found on page 70 of the Portal user guide.
Sign up for our delivery support events and assessor/IQA training
Sign up to delivery support events for V Certs from our Provider Development team, which provide opportunities for networking, and explore topics such as preparing to teach and preparing to assess. Sign up now.
We also have assessor and IQA training events available which will support everyone involved in the assessment or IQA process of V Cert qualifications, whether you’re experienced or new to delivering these qualifications. Find out more.
Preparation for summer 2025 assessments
To ensure your preparations for summer 2025 assessments run as smoothly as possible, we'd like to take this opportunity to remind you about the following areas for consideration and support:
- Please advise us if you or your delivery staff have any concerns about your ability to deliver the necessary Guided Learning Hours to prepare learners for both the NEA and external assessment components. Please ensure you have the appropriate contingency plans for potential issues including building restrictions (e.g. RAAC), cyber-attacks and availability of subject-specialist delivery staff.
- Ensure to update your contacts on the NCFE Portal and advise us of any changes in key internal staff such as your head of centre, exams colleagues or senior designated contact. Take a look at our Portal User Guide for support. Please note that updating your contacts on the Portal won’t change who receives our communications and newsletters, so you must also email [email protected] to ensure the correct colleagues are receiving our emails.
- Take note of the scheduled dates of your external assessments (see our assessment timetable) and identify any clashes with other assessments. You should also make internal arrangements to meet the resource requirements, and make use of our assessment variation process if required.
- Submit any assessment-related applications ahead of the published deadlines, such as assessment variation requests or reasonable adjustment requirements, including any necessary paper modifications.
- Remember: there is no resit opportunity for these qualifications. Learners who completed in summer 2024 cannot carry forward any assessment outcomes and combine them with any summer 2025 assessments. Learners must sit both the external assessment and non-examined assessment in the same series and will receive a series outcome for certification.
Notify us of any changes to key contacts
It’s important that we have the correct contact information for key colleagues within your centre, so please let us know if there have been any changes. The main contacts we’ll use to communicate important information are heads of centres, exams contacts and qualification programme contact. Please contact [email protected] to make any changes to the contact details we keep for your centre or update us via this change your contact details form.
December 2024
VTQ first term-time checkpoint now open
Following our communication last month to confirm arrangements to ensure the timely delivery of vocational technical qualifications (VTQ) results for learners in 2024-25, we wanted to let you know that the first term-time checkpoint is now open. If you deliver any of the qualifications in scope of this year’s arrangements, your centre’s action is required to ensure this checkpoint is completed by Friday 31 January. Visit our timely delivery of VTQ results webpage for more information on the actions you need to take and where to find support.
Planning the NEA for summer 2025 – key dates and support
We’ve developed a new resource which provides you with a central point of reference to help you plan your NEA, access all of the support you need and ensure your learner assessments and results are delivered accurately and timely.
Take a look at our handy V Cert NEA key dates and support document, which includes the key dates for the summer 2025 assessment series, along with details of the activities needed at specific times and where to find support.
Sign up for our Professional Development Week
Our Professional Development Week is back from 16-20 December to support teachers, assessors, senior leaders and support staff with their teaching and learning, improving confidence and enhancing learner engagement. Register for the sessions now.
Preparation for summer 2025 assessments
To ensure your preparations for summer 2025 assessments run as smoothly as possible, we'd like to take this opportunity to remind you about the following areas for consideration and support:
- Please advise us if you or your delivery staff have any concerns about your ability to deliver the necessary Guided Learning Hours to prepare learners for both the NEA and external assessment components. Please ensure you have the appropriate contingency plans for potential issues including building restrictions (e.g. RAAC), cyber-attacks and availability of subject-specialist delivery staff.
- Ensure you update your contacts on the NCFE Portal and advise us of any changes in key internal staff such as your head of centre, exams colleagues or senior designated contact. Take a look at our Portal User Guide for support. Please note that updating your contacts on the Portal won’t change who receives our communications and newsletters, so you must also email [email protected] to ensure the correct colleagues are receiving our emails.
- Take note of the scheduled dates of your external assessments (see our assessment timetable) and identify any clashes with other assessments. You should also make internal arrangements to meet the resource requirements, and make use of our assessment variation process if required.
- Submit any assessment-related applications ahead of the published deadlines, such as assessment variation requests or reasonable adjustment requirements, including any necessary paper modifications.
- Remember: there is no resit opportunity for Level 1/2 Technical Awards (V Certs). Learners who completed in summer 2024 cannot carry forward any assessment outcomes and combine them with any summer 2025 assessments. Learners must sit both the external assessment and non-examined assessment in the same series and will receive a series outcome for certification.
Notify us of any changes to key contacts
It’s important that we have the correct contact information for key colleagues within your centre, so please let us know if there have been any changes. The main contacts we’ll use to communicate important information are heads of centres, exams contacts and qualification programme contact. Please contact [email protected] to make any changes to the contact details we keep for your centre or update us via this change your contact details form.
November 2024
Download the NEA brief and standardisation packs
Read our reminders on how to download the non-exam assessment (NEA) brief and standardisation packs, and the purpose of these documents. Read more.
Updates to our online FAQs
We’ve updated our V Cert FAQs to support with your most-asked queries. Access the FAQs.
View our updated assessment support webpage
We’ve made updates to our assessment support webpage, with reminders of everything we have in place to support you and your learners throughout V Cert assessments.
View our updated moderation webpage
To support you to feel prepared for moderation, we’ve made updates to our moderation webpage. This will provide you with all the information you need about the moderation process, explain how sampling works, and how the final marks for each learner in the cohort are determined.
Key dates for non-exam assessments (NEAs) in 2024-25
Take a look at our handy document which includes the key dates for the NEAs this academic year, along with details of the activities needed at specific times and where to find support.
Save the date for our Professional Development Week
Our Professional Development Week will be making a return for its third instalment from 16-20 December! Keep your eyes peeled for more updates on the topics that will be covered and how they can enhance your CPD.
Sign up for our delivery support events and assessor/IQA training
Sign up to delivery support events for V Certs from our Provider Development team, which provide opportunities for networking, and explore topics such as preparing to teach and preparing to assess. Sign up now.
We also have assessor and IQA training events available which will support everyone involved in the assessment or IQA process of V Cert qualifications, whether you’re experienced or new to delivering these qualifications. Find out more.
Preparation for summer 2025 assessments
To ensure your preparations for summer 2025 assessments run as smoothly as possible, we'd like to take this opportunity to remind you about the following areas for consideration and support:
- Please advise us if you or your delivery staff have any concerns about your ability to deliver the necessary Guided Learning Hours to prepare learners for both the NEA and external assessment components. Please ensure you have the appropriate contingency plans for potential issues including building restrictions (e.g. RAAC), cyber-attacks and availability of subject-specialist delivery staff.
- Ensure to update your contacts on the NCFE Portal and advise us of any changes in key internal staff such as your head of centre, exams colleagues or senior designated contact. Take a look at our Portal User Guide for support. Please note that updating your contacts on the Portal won’t change who receives our communications and newsletters, so you must also email [email protected] to ensure the correct colleagues are receiving our emails.
- Take note of the scheduled dates of your external assessments (see our assessment timetable) and identify any clashes with other assessments. You should also make internal arrangements to meet the resource requirements, and make use of our assessment variation process if required.
- Submit any assessment-related applications ahead of the published deadlines, such as assessment variation requests or reasonable adjustment requirements, including any necessary paper modifications.
- Remember: there is no resit opportunity for these qualifications. Learners who completed in summer 2024 cannot carry forward any assessment outcomes and combine them with any summer 2025 assessments. Learners must sit both the external assessment and non-examined assessment in the same series and will receive a series outcome for certification.
Notify us of any changes to key contacts
It’s important that we have the correct contact information for key colleagues within your centre, so please let us know if there have been any changes. The main contacts we’ll use to communicate important information are heads of centres, exams contacts and qualification programme contact. Please contact [email protected] to make any changes to the contact details we keep for your centre or update us via this change your contact details form.
October 2024
Our 2024-25 V Cert Non-Exam Assessment (NEA) brief released on 1 October
Our 2024-25 NEA brief has been released and is now available to download.
What qualifications have an NEA?
How do I access the NEA brief?
To access the live NEA, you’ll need to register your learners and then follow the below steps:
- log in to the Portal
- go to the 'Bookings' tab and click ‘View Assessments’
- search for a batch number or product code to find students on the relevant qualification/assignment
- select all learners by checking the box
- scroll to the bottom and click ‘View Bookings’
- click on the desired component and a drop down will appear
- click the material link to download it.
If you have any queries regarding the NEA, please contact our Customer Support team via [email protected].
Access our standardisation pack and complete the standardisation and administration training
Our standardisation pack will also be available on the Portal on 1 October, and you must complete the relevant training by 28 February 2025.
These training materials support your delivery teams by looking in more detail at the NEA tutor guidance document and marking bands, giving you the opportunity to discuss marks and develop a standardised approach. This will support you to feel confident that you’re marking consistently and are prepared in advance for the 2024-25 assessment window.
To access the standardisation training materials, once you’ve booked your learners onto the relevant assessment, you’ll need to:
- log in to the Portal
- go to the ‘Bookings’ tab and click ‘View Assessments’
- search for a batch number or product code to find learners on the relevant qualification/assignment you’d like to access training for
- select all learners
- scroll to the bottom and click ‘View Bookings’
- click on the desired assessment booking on the relevant session.
You’ll see headings for each assessment; the standardisation materials for moderated assessments are located under the moderated assessment heading. Click ‘Show Details’ to view the materials and then click them to download. If there are two parts to the assessment, the materials will be located under ‘Part 2’.
Administration training
Administration training is available for the NEA component to view on our Preparing for moderation page. The training consists of a series of videos supporting you through the administrative requirements associated with moderation, including but not limited to accessing and uploading assessment materials.
Once you’ve completed the training, a declaration must be signed and returned to us via Microsoft Forms. This will state that you’ve completed both the standardisation and administration training, and the link can be found within the training pack.
If you have any queries about these materials or training, please contact our Moderation team via [email protected].
View our updated assessment timetable for 2024-25 and 2025-26
We’ve made changes to previously published and/or consultation version dates for some V Cert assessments to avoid clashes with GCSE exams. View the timetable and what we’ve changed.
Sign up to our delivery support events
Sign up to delivery support events for V Certs from our Provider Development team, which provide opportunities for networking, and explore topics such as preparing to teach and preparing to assess. Sign up now.
We also have assessor and IQA training events available which will support everyone involved in the assessment or IQA process of V Cert qualifications, whether you’re experienced or new to delivering these qualifications. Find out more.
Preparation for summer 2025 assessments
To ensure your preparations for summer 2025 assessments run as smoothly as possible, we'd like to take this opportunity to remind you about the following areas for consideration and support:
- Please advise us if you or your delivery staff have any concerns about your ability to deliver the necessary Guided Learning Hours to prepare learners for both the NEA and external assessment components. Please ensure you have the appropriate contingency plans for potential issues including building restrictions (e.g. RAAC), cyber-attacks and availability of subject-specialist delivery staff.
- Ensure to update your contacts on the NCFE Portal and advise us of any changes in key internal staff such as your head of centre, exams colleagues or senior designated contact. Take a look at our Portal User Guide for support. Please note that updating your contacts on Portal won’t change who receives our communications and newsletters, so you must also email [email protected] to ensure the correct colleagues are receiving our emails.
- Take note of the scheduled dates of your external assessments (see our assessment timetable) and identify any clashes with other assessments. You should also make internal arrangements to meet the resource requirements, and make use of our assessment variation process if required.
- Submit any assessment-related applications ahead of the published deadlines, such as assessment variation requests or reasonable adjustment requirements, including any necessary paper modifications.
- Remember: there is no resit opportunity for these qualifications. Learners who completed in summer 2024 cannot carry forward any assessment outcomes and combine them with any summer 2025 assessments. Learners must sit both the external assessment and non-examined assessment in the same series and will receive a series outcome for certification.
Summer 2024 post results information
Following results release on 22 August 2024 for our Level 1/2 Technical Awards, we’ve provided the following feedback documents to support you in understanding your learners’ performance in the summer 2024 assessments and to assist you with the delivery of assessments in summer 2025:
- The Chief Examiner and Chief Moderator report – This is an overview of the performance of all learners who took the assessment in Summer 2024. Visit the individual qualification page on our website, click ‘assessment materials’, and you’ll find this report within the Summer 24 – Assessment pack.
- Final Moderation report – This is a bespoke report produced by the moderator who moderated your learners’ work. One report is available for each qualification per cohort and is an opportunity for centres to see areas where they performed well and areas they can develop this session. You can find your final moderation report in the results area of the Portal. Search the batch and click on the drop-down arrow to the right of any data line, you’ll then be able to select the final moderation report from a drop-down list of reports. Please see our Portal user guide for more information.
We’re unable to expand on feedback beyond the contents of these two documents.
Past assessment materials
Remember that our 2023-24 assessments are now available, password protected, on the relevant qualification page on our website for you to use as practice papers for future assessments.
eCertificates available for your summer 2024 learners soon
Our new Level 1/2 Technical Award model V Certs, with first assessment and certification in summer 2024, follow a new approach to certification than previous V Cert models.
Unlike previous V Certs, where you claimed a certificate in the NCFE Portal when ready, for the new model there is no need to claim a certificate, and instead NCFE will auto-certificate learners, starting from 2 October 2024.
This means that from 2 October, you’ll be able to view eCertificates on the NCFE Portal, and NCFE will print and dispatch a physical copy of your learners’ certificates to your centre, to be received up to 2 weeks after this date.
No partial certificates will be issued, only certificates for those learners who have completed both elements of the qualification and received an overall grade in summer 2024.
Please be aware for any learners with an open post-results request on 1 October, the certificate will be processed once your request has been completed. Whilst your post results request is in progress, the result will not appear in the NCFE Portal, and no eCertificate will be visible or physical copy dispatched.
How to access eCertificates:
- log in to the NCFE Portal and navigate to the Certification menu option
- select eCertificates (you’ll require eCertificates permissions to be active on your Portal user account to access this screen)
- search for your learners using batch number, product code, or other identifiable fields
- select ‘View certificate’ for all relevant learners within the search outcomes
- you can download multiple eCertificates at once by selecting multiple learners at a time then then the ‘Request Multiple eCertificates’ option.
Further details on how to access eCertificates can be found in our Portal User Guide.
September 2024
- Our 2024-25 V Cert Non-Exam Assessment (NEA) brief will be released on 1 October. Find out more.
- Our standardisation pack will also be available on the Portal on 1 October, and you must complete the relevant training by 28 . These training materials support your delivery teams by looking in more detail at the NEA tutor guidance document and marking bands, giving you the opportunity to discuss marks and develop a standardised approach. This will support you to feel confident that you are marking consistently and are prepared in advance for the 2024-25 assessment window.
- View our updated assessment timetable for 2024-25 and 2025-26 – we’ve made changes to previously published and/or consultation version dates for some V Cert assessments to avoid clashes with GCSE exams. View the timetable and what we’ve changed.
- Sign up to delivery support events for V Certs from our Provider Development team, which provide opportunities for networking, and explore topics such as preparing to teach and preparing to assess.
NCFE Level 1/2 Technical Awards – post results information
Following results release on 22 August 2024 for our Level 1/2 Technical Awards, we’ve provided the following feedback documents to support you in understanding your learners’ performance in the summer 2024 assessments and to assist you with the delivery of assessments in summer 2025:
- The Chief Examiner and Moderator report – This is an overview of the performance of all learners who took the assessment in Summer 2024. Visit the individual qualification page on our website, click ‘assessment materials’, and you’ll find this report within the Summer 24 – Assessment pack.
- Final Moderation report – This is a bespoke report produced by the moderator who moderated your learners’ work. One report is available for each qualification per cohort and is an opportunity for centres to see areas where they performed well and areas they can develop this session. You can find your final moderation report in the results area of the Portal. Search the batch and click on the drop-down arrow to the right of any data line, you’ll then be able to select the final moderation report from a drop-down list of reports. Please see our Portal User Guide for more information
We’re unable to expand on feedback beyond the contents of these two documents.
Post results services
A review of moderator marks is a check on the original moderation to make sure the assessment criteria have been applied fairly, reliably and consistently. Please note this is not a remark, and no specific feedback will be provided.
This service is not available for individual learners, and requests must be made by component, for all learners on a cohort. More information can be found here.
The deadline for submitting a review of moderation request is 26 September 2024.