Contemporary issues and debates

Settling in Britain
We are delighted to announce the release of our new resource, Settling in Britain. This resource is aimed at practitioners, students and other professionals working with children and their families who are settling in Britain. Information, guidance, and resources included aim to raise awareness of challenges facing children and families settling in Britain and discuss concerns that practitioners and professionals may have when considering how to ensure children and their families are supported effectively through education and learning.
Settling in Britain resources and activities
World Refugee Day
Every year on 20 June the world celebrates the ultimate courage and resilience of those who have had to flee their home of origin to escape war and conflict. This day is an opportunity to support the lives of refugees in education, health, and care so that they are able to resettle or return home once safe to do so.
As part of this day we have recorded an insightful discussion with member of our team to share with you some of the activities and tasks in our Settling in Britain resource that we hope you will find useful.
Spotlight on the role of the virtual school and the virtual school head: What do you need to know?
This article is aimed at learners, tutors and assessors in relation to NCFE CACHE Supporting Teaching and Learning qualifications.
It will raise awareness of the role and responsibilities of virtual schools and virtual school heads (VSHs), and may be particularly useful when exploring knowledge around school structures, staff roles and supporting children and young people in education.
In addition, it covers the changes in ‘Keeping children safe in education’ (KCSIE 2022) statutory guidance in relation to virtual schools and VSHs, and offers signposting to further information.