Aspiration Awards 2024: Against All Odds winner – Michael Wells, Serco | NCFE

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Aspiration Awards 2024: Against All Odds winner – Michael Wells, Serco

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Designed to recognise learners who have overcome difficult personal circumstances to succeed in their studies, the Against All Odds award is very special and always attracts a huge volume of nominations. This year’s winner is Michael Wells, an inspiring individual who completed a Skills Bootcamp in Digital Marketing with Serco, via its Skills and Training Services.  

Overcoming challenges  

Michael Wells has overcome many cultural, personal, and educational barriers to gain his Level 3 Internet Marketing in Business (awarded by NCFE), going on to complete a 16-week Skills Bootcamp and his highest qualification to date.  

Growing up as one of five children in a Romany Gypsy Traveller community, during his school years Michael was limited to attending education in the winter months as his family would be travelling during spring and summer.  

While it’s not traditional for children to follow a school curriculum, Michael did attend secondary school in the winter months up to the age of 14, when he was taken out of education to begin working and to learn his father’s roofing and paving trade skills.  

Internal conflict 

Michael soon realised his passion was directed to more creative projects, and he aspired to achieve a different career path. Sadly, due to tradition and cultural expectations, he was instead denied this option, and expected to follow in his father’s footsteps as a male member of the Traveller community.  

As Michael grew older, he faced further significant personal challenges. He felt displaced from the Traveller community and an internal conflict to honour himself, his family, and his community led to mental health struggles. After several breakdowns and attempted overdoses, he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.  

Michael was then involved in an accident and had to undergo an operation on his back. Following this, Michael began to pursue his more creative talents by working in landscaping but suffered a further setback and unfortunately had to stop, following a second operation a few years later.  

Due to his back injury, Michael was unable to continue manual labour which, combined with his limited educational history, impacted his employment opportunities. Michael reached his lowest point when he was found unresponsive in a car park, having made a further attempt to take his own life.   

First steps 

Following treatment and recovery in hospital, Michael was determined to regain employment. He reached out to his local National Careers Service, expressing his passion to pursue a creative career, alongside the medical challenges preventing him from working within manual labour.  

The National Careers Service recommended Serco, signposting Michael to the Skills Bootcamp in Digital Marketing.   

Due to the impact of his Bipolar and personal challenges, Michael's confidence was low when he joined Serco’s Skills Bootcamp programme. He struggled with self-belief and found social situations challenging. Michael was very shy, with low self-esteem and refrained from talking or participating within the group.  

He explained that he often struggled to put his thoughts into words and didn’t believe he could participate in formal learning or that his opinions would be valued.  

A bright future 

While he doubted his ability, Michael committed to the 16-week programme which he has now successfully completed. He quickly became known as a dedicated learner, proactively seeking all the support offered by tutors, coaches and peers.  

Michael overcame his doubts, feeling accepted for the first time in a learning environment. He attended and achieved his NCFE module, along with soft skills and wrap-around sessions. He truly absorbed all opportunities within these sessions to develop his knowledge of digital marketing, as well as grow his employability skill set.  

Michael said: “When I first joined this course, I was in a difficult place mentally, emotionally, and physically. I have since gained confidence and motivation, realising my capabilities and potential.  

“I am now more determined to succeed. With a few business ideas in mind that I've always wanted to pursue, this course has not only taught me digital marketing but also planning, strategies, and implementation that are applicable in various business aspects.” 

Creative passions 

Now focused on his next career steps, Michael is looking to explore self-employment options with the hope of working within a creative environment. He recently applied for a Talent Assistant role with a local theatre, where he would be involved with the company’s social media and digital marketing, utilising his newly gained skills. 

Michael has overcome every challenge faced throughout his life, grown in confidence, and even used learning from the Skills Bootcamp to design a website for his sister’s cleaning company. Through his efforts and skills learned in the Internet Marketing in Business unit, the company is now in the top 10 searches for cleaning services in its local area and his relationship with his sister is stronger than ever.   

He added: “I have gained so much knowledge and for someone who had trouble verbally communicating ideas and suggestions, I feel I have improved a tremendous amount during this time and of course with the help and support from my fellow learners. I have thoroughly enjoyed every session and felt very welcomed and included.”  

Congratulations Michael! To read more inspirational stories from this year's award winners, visit our Aspiration Awards 2024 page  

Michael's story

Aspiration Awards 2024: Against All Odds – Michael Wells, Serco

Against All Odds – Michael Wells, Serco

I am now more determined to succeed. With a few business ideas in mind that I've always wanted to pursue, this course has not only taught me digital marketing but also planning, strategies, and implementation that are applicable in various business aspects.

Michael Wells, Serco