If you’ve recently found out that your centre is closing, we’re here to support you with your next steps. We understand this may cause some uncertainty, but we want to ensure that no learner is left behind. Read more.
SEND in mainstream schools
Are you looking for better ways to support your KS4 mainstream pupils with SEND?
Our V Cert Technical Awards are vocational alternatives to GCSEs which count towards the Open Group of your Progress 8 measures. Available in 11 exciting subject areas, they are an ideal option for mainstream schools looking to improve their provision for pupils with SEND through interest-based learning.
Offering a mixture of academic and technical qualifications – such as our V Certs – helps you to build an engaging, full curriculum that meets the needs of every pupil. Plus, allowing pupils to explore and experience different forms of education gives them a solid base to understand their own strengths, skills and talents.
V Cert technical awards are awarded through 60%* project-based non-exam assessment, and 40%* examined assessment, relieving some exam pressure for pupils and allowing them to achieve based on their skills as well as their knowledge.
Essential English and maths in everyday life
In addition to V Certs, our essential English and maths in everyday life qualifications are a great way to re-engage pupils and help to boost their achievement in these crucial areas.
These qualifications allow you to build a flexible learning programme that can be used as intervention or for confidence-building in preparation for GCSEs.
Our free resources provide everything you need to deliver these qualifications to your learners in a way that supports vocational tutors, and every penny you spend on these qualifications will be donated to The Prince’s Trust charity to help young people find the tools and confidence to learn and progress into employment.
Reasonable adjustments
Reasonable adjustments, which NCFE are required to make where a learner, who is disabled as defined by the Equality Act 2010, would be at a substantial disadvantage in comparison to someone who is not disabled. NCFE is required to take all reasonable steps to overcome that disadvantage.
Read our Reasonable Adjustments Policy and learn more about making a reasonable adjustment request.
The number of pupils with special educational needs (SEN) increased to 1.49 million pupils in 2022, representing 16.5% of all pupils.