Regulations for the Conduct of External Assessment 2023/24 | NCFE

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Regulations for the Conduct of External Assessment 2023/24

If you’re delivering any of our qualifications with an external assessment, please see our updated Regulations for the Conduct of External Assessment and accompanying Qualification Specific Instructions for Delivery documents for 2023-24.  

We closely align with the JCQ Instructions for Conducting Examinations (ICE) document, aiming to ensure consistency and efficiency for our centres, but do still retain our own specific document. The changes applied to our Regulations for the Conduct of External Assessment are, in many instances, intended to mirror, where appropriate, updated to the JCE ICE document.   

A summary of key content changes from the previous version of our regulations document is contained within the revised version, and highlighted throughout, but, for visibility, contains the following amendments: 

Overview of amendment 


The exams officer must be one of the centre’s key holders and one of the authorised people who can handle secure electronic materials. 


Clarification on which persons are permitted to be present in the room when secure files are being printed. 


Clarification on the process for scanning/photocopying assessment papers securely. 


Neither Teaching Assistants nor Learning Support Assistants, who have supported one or more candidates, can act as invigilator or facilitate an access arrangement. 


Where there are multiple candidates requiring their own reader, scribe, practical assistant or communication professional, accommodated in a single room, a separate invigilator will be required. 

Bilingual translation dictionary approval is now accompanied with 25% extra-time, rather than 10% previously. 

Centres must consider the possibility of a cyber-attack when contingency planning. 

Candidates should not be in possession of earphones or earbuds during an assessment. 

Confirmation that reportable malpractice takes effect from the moment candidates enter the assessment room. 

Removal of option of candidates to use blue ink. 

Removal of Appendix for Regulations relating to Functional Skills qualifications*. 

*In conjunction with several other awarding organisations delivering Functional Skills qualifications, a universal Instructions for the Conduct of Examinations document will shortly be available, through the JCQ website. This will outline regulations specific to this qualification suite, applicable across all awarding organisations highlighted within the document.