Our Assessment Innovation Fund pilot with EasyCorrect: Edword | NCFE

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Our Assessment Innovation Fund pilots: EasyCorrect: Edword platform

Shaping the future of learning and assessment

We’re on a mission to break boundaries in assessment with an investment fund to support and pilot new ideas on the future of assessment.

EasyCorrect: Edword platform

EasyCorrect are a team of teachers, developers and consultants that are dedicated to improving how students learn through feedback on written assignments. Their products are developed to provide a streamlined experience while providing feedback and they strive towards empowering teachers’ ability to educate.

About the pilot 

EasyCorrect will run a pilot project to test whether their Edword platform can offer a more transparent and personalised solution for formative assessment practices where learners are engaging in written assignments. Edword is an online toolbox that supports teachers in further Education to create, reuse and share feedback while learning from how their students spend their time and engage with feedback.   

The first co-funded project between NCFE and Ufi VocTech Trust, the pilot is looking to disrupt how students and teachers interact in the learning processes of written assignments and show that the Edword solution can free up time for more personalised feedback, leading to increased student engagement and improved learning outcomes.

Throughout this pilot the following assumptions will be tested:

1. Edword saves time for teachers on repetitive processes thereby freeing up time for more personalised feedback.

2. It increases engagement of learners by making feedback engagement systemic, interactive, timely and measurable.

3. All benefit from the data stored and displayed so that each can see where most benefit is achieved. The pilot links with five of the guiding principles of assessment innovation.

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